At WNG, our goal is to help our clients to minimize or eliminate their controllable loss exposures. Loss prevention and control methods involve the integration of several steps:
1. On-site inspections by WNG representatives
2. In-person interviews with management and employees of the client
3. In-depth review, audit and analysis of past claims history
4. Client audits- thorough examinations by WNG representatives to reveal strengths and opportunities in the client’s existing practices related to:
-Employment practices (screening, hiring, compensation, discipline, etc.)
-Employee communications, training & orientation
-Documentation management including HR, safety, claims, etc.
-Compliance with state & federal (OSHA, USCG, etc.) regulations
-Safety meetings and inspections
-Post incident response including investigation, claim management and legal management.
-Maintenance of vessels, fleets and facilities
-Safety incentives
Using the information gathered from these steps, WNG representatives will work with clients to identify opportunities for improvement and implement effective solutions. Other services we provide include benefit and compensation management, mergers & acquisitions due diligence and unemployment cost control.